StudyWiz – K-12 iTouch Enabled Tool

Dwayne Harapnuik —  October 7, 2009 — Leave a comment

studywizOne of the biggest challenges that we are seeing with K-12 institutions planning to deploy an iTouch solution in schools is that they must highly regulate their learners access to the internet and are not able to use cloud resources like Gmail, Google Apps, YouTube and many of the tools that we take for granted in higher education. To successfully deploy a mobile solution K-12 need to replace or replicate the cloud. StudyWiz may be the ideal solution to do just this. It not only provides an email, file management, document sharing and a communication platform it more importantly allows schools to closely control how students access these resources.

The initial demonstration that I viewed at HandHeld 2009 looked very promising but we now need to look at the product much closer and see if we can use it in the College of Education at ACU to help prepare future teachers who may be facing this tool in the field.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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