More Post-PC Era Evidence: Six scenarios where the iPad is trouncing the PC

Dwayne Harapnuik —  May 28, 2012 — Leave a comment

More Post-PC Era Evidence: Six scenarios where the iPad is trouncing the PC

Yet another indication that we are moving into the Post-PC era. As the article summary indicates, Jason Hiner, the Editor of Tech Repulic is no Apple fanboy (advocate) but even Hiner can’t ignor just how much of an impact the iPad is making in the following areas:

  1. Business meetings
  2. Couch and nightstand
  3. Conferences and events
  4. Airplane flights
  5. Quick kiosks
  6. The kid machine

I have to agree with Hiner and can personally attest to all but the kiosk uses. Later this summer we will be deploying iPads for our admissions/recruiting advisers who will be using the devices in a kiosk service scenario so this makes it six for six. While these six points or uses are significant, Hiner missed a few more areas where the iPad not only trounces the PC but is impacting other other aspects of our lives.

Auto Travel – All you have to do is take a multiple day drive or extended trip with an iPad equipped with cell coverage and you will not want to travel without the device. The basic mapping app provides enough functionality and view that you will not want to rely on a traditional GPS or a smartphone. Viewing travel pictures, videos on the wide screen is a dream and lets not forget about how amazing video is on the device.

Education – The current rage in K-12 and Higher Education is mobile learning and the iPad has become the go to device that many school districts and Universities and colleges are currently deploying. Whether the iPad is used as an access device in the form of an ereader or as in input device for note taking or media creation Education is just starting to “scratch the surface” of the opportunities mobility provide.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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