Reinventing Education To Teach Creativity

Dwayne Harapnuik —  May 29, 2012 — Leave a comment

Jennifer Medbury makes the argument:

The primary purpose of teaching can now shift away from “stand and deliver” and becomes this: to be relentless about making sure every student graduates ready to tinker, create, and take initiative.

She also points out that our biggest challenge in moving toward this type of a learning environment is that this is difficult to measure.

Other than pointing to a few examples of schools that have created alternative learning environments Medbury does little to address this challenge. To be fair to Medbury this is an extremely difficult challenge to address and sometimes it is enough to simply reminded that there are alternatives and that we do have the option to change our own spheres of influence.

Read the full blog post…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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