Ebook Sales Surpass Hardcover in the U.S.

Dwayne Harapnuik —  June 19, 2012 — Leave a comment

It is obvious that the ebook is not a passing fad. It is also important to note that although paperback sales continue to lead, bringing in $299.8 million in revenue in the first quarter of the year compared to $282.3 million in the same quarter for ebooks, paperback sales are in decline.

In fact, ebook sales surpassed paperback sales more than a year-and-a-half ago on Amazon.

Perhaps one of the most notable tidbits of information from this post is the 32.7% growth of audio books. Having listened to at several books while running and walking I am not surprised by this growth. My 16 year old son is managing to get through Watership Down on audio which is something I wish I would of had access to when I had to slog through the book.

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Dwayne Harapnuik

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