Mobile Has Changed Us: The Couch Potato is Extinct

Dwayne Harapnuik —  October 30, 2012 — Leave a comment

While I do use my iPhone to look up the occasional stat on an actor or the name of a movie or other related information while watching TV my two teenage sons are the true uses of mobility or the second screen while watching TV. It must also be noted that we seldom watch traditional TV with news being about the only thing that we will watch live. We download all TV shows from the Usenet and watch them comercial free on our computers, iPads or other mobile devices. Our main TV is attached to a Mac Mini which acts as our media station so even when we are watching TV it is in way that we control.

It would be fair to say that we don’t watch any less TV but we do spend less time watching and have total control over when and where we watch the shows we like. The following infographic does a fine job of summarizing the changes we are seeing in the Couch Potato. I don’t know if I would say that the Couch Potato is extinct but broadband internet and mobile are definitely serving TV up in a different dish.
second screen video trends c1

Original Image Source: Search Engine Journal

Dwayne Harapnuik

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