What Changes

Dwayne Harapnuik —  December 4, 2009 — Leave a comment

What Changes
Image retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/wrichard/3743686850/in/set-72157621765265022
Came across this image that really captures what ubiquity of Internet access is starting to bring about. This is image was only modified from its original state by the the addition of the caption

What Changes with Ubiquitous Access?

The original image posted on flicker was used to show just how many Mac computers there were in in a lecture at the Missouri School of Journalism.

Either image conveys the fact that our learners today are coming into our classrooms prepared to use laptops and I would dare to say all other forms of technology to help them learn– what are we doing to prepare for this.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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