How the iPhone Could Reboot Education

Dwayne Harapnuik —  December 11, 2009 — Leave a comment

The Wired article by Brian X. Chen points to ACU’s Connected program in which all incoming freshmen get iphones. Now in it second year Freshmen and Sophmores have iphones as do move than 97% of faculty. Unlike many of the other articles highlighting the ACU program this article includes interviews with students and reveals that many student believe that ACU in onto something really good. The following quote confirms that the student believe ACU is on the right track:

At ACU it’s like they see [the iPhone] is the way of the future and they might as well take advantage of it,” Stratton said in a phone interview. “They’re preparing us for the real world — not a place where you’re not allowed to use anything.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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