Taking a Christmas Break

Dwayne Harapnuik —  December 18, 2009 — Leave a comment

I will be taking a Christmas break and will not be making any posts until January 4, 2010. But before I sign off I want to briefly reflect on my experience at Abilene Christian University.

The picture below of the President of ACU, Dr. Money, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas really captures the way that I feel about my work at ACU.


To be able to call Christmas what it really is, and not make reference to it politically correctly as the Holiday Season or Xmas is truly refreshing. In addition to working at an amazing Christian University I am working with some of the most wonderful and professional people I have ever met. I started to list each of them but realized that this would take much too long and my plan was to write a short post indicating that I will we signing off for the next couple of weeks so I will simply state that I work with the most committed, professional, humble and caring group of academics and staff that I have ever known. The common denominator at ACU is that the learners really do come first and faculty and staff genuinely care about all the students–so much so, that many refer to them at “their kids”. Amazing people!

I am looking forward to the new year at ACU.

Merry Christmas everyone and a Blessed New Year!

Dwayne Harapnuik

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