CourseSmart’s Digital Textbook Vision for the Rumored Apple Tablet

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 6, 2010 — Leave a comment

The Wall Street Journal has posted the above video that was developed by CourseSmart which reveals their vision of what Apple’s rumored tablet may be able to do.

Lots of questions:

  • Will we see the Apple Tablet announced at CES in the next week or will Apple wait until the end of the month?
  • How much of a lag will their be between the announcement of the device and its availablility?
  • Will it be a closed platform?
  • Will its focus be purely consumer and what will that mean for the academic environment?
  • If announced who will Amazon, Sony, Microsoft and all the other ereader developers respond?

Looking forward to the next few weeks.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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