Wednesday Watchlist – Schools Kill Creativity

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 6, 2010 — 1 Comment

Over the past several years I have collected many links to some exceptional videos that challenges us to rethink education, teaching and learning. Each Wednesday I will post a link or embed one of these videos in the main blog page as well as add it to the Wednesday Watchlist in the sidebar in hope that it will stimulate thinking and discussion on how we can improve our learning environments.

I will be starting this weekly post with what I believe is one of the best videos on creativity and learning. Sir Ken Robinson makes the argument that Schools Kill Creativity and offers several suggestion as to how we can correct this problem. The original video was post on the TED at a much higehr resolution site but I have chosen to use the re-post on Youtube because of if Youtube’s broader accessibility.


Dwayne Harapnuik

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  1. In pursiut of the better way – the learners mindset | It's About Learning - October 8, 2016

    […] is the approach my boys have always followed even before Ken Robinson referred to this idea in his Schools Kill Creativity TED Talk. I have always been careful to nurture and help them maintain that natural or intrinsic […]

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