ISTE Top 10 Edtech Priorties for 2010

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 14, 2010 — 1 Comment

It is the season for all sorts of predictions for the upcoming year. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) offers the following:

  1. Establishing technology “as the backbone of school improvement” for student learning, professional development, and administration;
  2. Integrating technology to prepare students for careers and keep students engaged;
  3. Increasing federal funding support for technology through Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT);
  4. Keeping educators up to date on the latest technologies to help them be more effective in their teaching environments;
  5. Increasing support for pre-service education technology programs to help produce more technologically adept teachers;
  6. Using technology to “scale improvement” and “accelerate reform”;
  7. Ensuring universal access to broadband services, which ISTE described as “critical so that students and parents have access to school assignments, grades, announcements and resources”;
  8. Developing systems and strategies that will help educators use assessment data to improve student learning;
  9. Investing in research and development focused on “innovation in teaching and learning”; and
  10. Promoting “global digital citizenship” through technology-based, cross-border collaboration.

ISTE’s complete “Top Ten in ’10” with explanations.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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