Myths in Online Teaching and Learning

Dwayne Harapnuik —  February 25, 2010 — Leave a comment

Way back in 2002, professor of Educational Psychology as well as Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University, Curtis Bonk wrote Current Myths and Future Trends in Online Teaching and Learning which included the following list:

  1. Web instruction is an either-or decision.
  2. Pedagogical tools exist to teach online.
  3. College instructors will flock to sophisticated technologies.
  4. College instructors simply need a little more training to teach effectively on the Web
  5. College instructors will not place their work on display for others to critique.
  6. If we ignore this long enough, online learning will go away.
  7. College instructors are loyal.
  8. The institution will own the online course.
  9. College instructors can teach the same way that they teach face-to-face.
  10. Shhh…if you don’t say anything, college instructors will just do this for free.

I would argue that not much has changed since he first published this list and we can now expand online learning to include Mobile Learning. Have look at the full article that includes a full explanation of each myth but Ten More Myths.

Read the full article…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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