4 Keys to aligning outcomes activities & assessment

Dwayne Harapnuik —  November 28, 2016 — Leave a comment

While the following 4 keys will be most useful to students in the Lamar University Masters of Digital Learning and Leading (DLL) but the following 4 keys will help anyone who is looking to use Finks Taxonomy to create a 3 column table to plan their course design:

  1. Start with Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG). The BHAG will help you to envision who your learners will become at how their lives will be enhanced. The BHAG should focus more on who the students will be or become as a result of the course and not just focus on what they will be able to do.
  2. Only use Finks Taxonomy and the provided tools (worksheets available through course BB site) and three column table and resist the urge to fall back on other methods like Understanding by Design (UbD).
  3. Start with the outcomes and create one outcome for each of the six sections in Fink’s taxonomy. Use the SWBAT post and method for writing the outcomes.
  4. Use the 3 column tables from EDLD 5305, 5304 and 5313 from the DLL Program Map page as examples to guide your thought process.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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