Why the iPad Abosolutely Matters

Dwayne Harapnuik —  April 13, 2010 — Leave a comment

This guest post by Matthew E. Rich, Ed. D., Principal of the Pleasant Ridge School in Glenview, IL explains why the iPad is a significant tool for teachers, students and administrators. The iPad matters for:

Teachers and Support Staff:

  • Progress Monitoring Student Performance
  • Truly mobile input in the class, around the school and even in the playground.

For Students

  • Learning Styles – the iPad is a genuinely visual, auditory, and kinesthetic device.
  • Learning of Content – the device is instantly on and teachers are able to send students links to content that can be accessed immediately. The flexibility of input and plethora of applications provide limitless potential.
  • Digital Portfolio –
  • Organization – digital text and assignments mean a saving in space, time and legibility
  • Assistive Learning – Dragon Dictation and many other promising apps level the playing field for those with disabilities.

Directors of Educational Technology and Administrators:

  • Cost – savings in software licensing fees, textbooks, paper, copy & reproduction and much more…
  • Computer Setup & maintainance – the iPad sync model simplifies this process.

Rich is also quick to point out that there is still great deal of room for improvement in the iPad but also points out that:

The elegance and simplicity of the machine allow for short training times while providing a level of technology integration simply unmatched by any other product on the market.

Read the full article…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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