A Plugin Broke My Site – How To Avoid This Issue

dwaynebk —  June 18, 2020 — Leave a comment

I keep my WordPress install updated and since it has been a very long time since a WP Plugin has caused an issue I simply did an “update all” and on about 4 or 5 plugins and walked away. I didn’t check to see if there were any issues because the backend interface and my control panel said all was fine. I didn’t actually take a look at my site in another browser. BIG MISTAKE. I woke up to a bunch of emails and messages indicating my site was down. Not something you want to deal with when you have a full day of pressing work scheduled. I couldn’t recall what plugins I had updated so I started the time-consuming process of turning them all off one at and time and testing. Fortunately, I have scaled down to only 22 plugins. Unfortunately, the very last plugin “Youtube Embed” was the culprit. I have uninstalled this plugin and have turned on all other plugins (one at a time with full testing) so my site is back up.

Lesson learned. NEVER update plugins and walk away. Do a full test. Also, update one plugin at a time.

This event has reminded me that I also need to update my site to HTTPS to get rid of the message “not secure” from the browser line. This is going to break my site and I am not looking forward to fixing this issue.


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