Reading, Watching, & Listening Update

Dwayne Harapnuik —  December 26, 2020 — Leave a comment

Back in February of 2018 I posted Reading, Watching, & Listening where I finally completed a list of what I am reading, watching, and listening to in response to the questions I get from many of my students, friends, and colleagues about where I find my ideas. I promised to update this list on a regular basis and I am finally getting around to that promise. As part of that promise I am moving the contents of the 2018 blog post to my Reading, Watching, & Listening page which, I will continue to make this a permanent part of the Learning section of my website. I will keep the 2018 blog post up to serve as an archive and to see how my selection of resources has changed over time.

Go to the Reading, Watching, & Listening page now

Dwayne Harapnuik

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