Unpacking & Purging

Dwayne Harapnuik —  June 27, 2022 — Leave a comment

As you can see from these images I now have a separate office space and many more options. More space is always a challenge because there is a tendency to add more. I fought off the urge or purchasing a new desk and have simply repurposed my existing desk and another small desk that was already in this space.

The hard work of the move and purge happens now. As I unpack I am realizing that I have WAY too many cables, accessories, and small items that “I just may use someday”. Before I put anything away I am disciplining myself to consolidate and eliminate what I don’t need. Instead of a keeping dozen USB A or C cables or iPhone cables, I am selecting the best cables of the most convenient lengths and will be giving away the rest.

This also means I am revisiting my entire setup. I have managed to reduce my lighting to one LED panel that is strategically placed and as I eliminate all the extra just-in-case stuff that I have accumulated I should have a wonderful lean and clean minimalist setup.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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