Learning is the Making of Meaningful Connections

Dwayne Harapnuik —  September 21, 2022 — Leave a comment

In this episode, we explore how a limited definition of learning and mislabeling learning as training can hinder the learner by trapping them in lower levels of thinking. We encourage everyone to shift from the information transfer definition of learning to view learning as the making of meaningful connections which encourages higher order thinking and involves analysis, evaluation, synthesis, and creation.

The following links include a wide assortment of perspectives that can you used to either reinforce this notion of learning or to explore other aspects of learning:

To Own Your Learning You MUST Use Higher-Order or Deeper Thinking
Avoiding Illogical Conclusions
We Need More Autodidacts
The Shift from Engaging Students to Empowering Learners
Moving With a Learner’s Mindset
Active Learning via Learner’s Mindset and the CSLE+COVA framework
Applied Digital Learning
Applied Digital Learning Student Stories

One of the best ways to embrace learning is to continually seek out or employ authentic learning opportunities. Consider the following:

Authentic Learning Opportunities
Benefits of Life Long Authentic Learning Opportunities
Authentic Learning Leads to Authentic Adventures
Power of the Continual Practice of Authentic Learning
Why Authentic Learning Converts Into Lifelong Learning

Dwayne Harapnuik

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