Failure Is Required…In Authentic Learning Opportunities

Dwayne Harapnuik —  June 20, 2024 — Leave a comment

I have always appreciated Adam Savage, who was best known for his time on Mythbusters. The show highlighted Savage’s propensity for trial-and-error learning and I often enjoyed seeing the spectacular failures as much as seeing if the myth would be busted. The courage to try is what I attributed to Inquisitivism in the post The Courage to Try: Inquisitivism in Real Life about a dozen years ago. Since then I have matured in my thinking and writing to see this courage to try as part of the Learner’s Mindset which you can explore further on my website in the pages or posts:
Learner’s Mindset
Reignite Your Learner’s Mindset
Learner’s Mindset Explained
Using the Learner’s Mindset – How and Why This Works
Living the Learner’s Mindset

Or you can purchase the eBook Learner’s Mindset: A Catalyst for Innovation

Authentic learning opportunities are key motivational and transformational aspects of the COVA approach which you can read about on this website or in the COVA eBook.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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